artist.shtml biography thomas-lo-medico

Thomas Lo Medico

birth7/11/1904 in New York, NYPicture of Lo Medico
death1985 in Tappan, NY
educationBeaux-Arts Institute of Design, New York
awardsJ. Sanford Saltus Award (1956)

Thomas Gaetano LoMedico studied at the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design in New York. During the Depression, he was commissioned by the Works Progress Administration to create sculptures for post offices in Wilmington, North Carolina, and Crooksville, Ohio. He won an $8,000 prize from the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company for An American Family, a sculpture shown at the 1939 World's Fair in New York. He also created a sculpture for the facade of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Building in New York. Artists for Victory awarded him first prize for his Wings for Victory, Spirit of Aviation.

In 1948 he created Pursuit of Happiness, the 38th issue of the prestigious Society of Medalists series.